
by Bloc Party

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:10 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


A Weekend In The City

Song Author

Kele Okereke

Tabbed by

Matt Pollard


1st → Solo Double/Fade Out
2nd → Kele Okereke
3rd → Gordon Moakes
4th → Russell Lissack
5th → Synths
6th → Matt Tong
7th → Guitar (Kele)
8th → Synth II
9th → Matt Vocals
10th → Kele Vocals

File Size

88 KB




Hea-vy night it was a hea-vy night Fe-els like we've come back from the de-ad Hea-vy night it was a hea-vy night I can-not re-mem-ber what I said (to an-y-one) If we get up now we can catch the af-ter-no-on Watch the un-der f-if-teens play-ing foot-ball in the park Let's sleep in St. Leo-nard's on this al-co-hol-ic da-y We're do-ing the be-st with what we've got I'll love you in the mor-n-ing When you're still hung-o-v-er I'll love you in the mor-n-ing When you're still strung ou-t I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I work hard all week and so do you We de-s-erve to let off some ste-am Less or-tho-dox cre-e-ping W-e ne-ed to rage through this life There might be ones who are smar-ter than yo-u That have the right a-ns-wers that wear bet-ter sho-es For-ge-t ab-out those mel-ting i-ce ca-ps We're do-ing the be-st with what we've got I'll love you in the mor-n-ing When you're still hung-o-v-er I'll love you in the mor-n-ing When you're still strung ou-t When I'm with you I am calm A-a pearl in your oy-st-er Head on my chest a sil-ent smile A pri-vate kind of happ-i-ne-ss You see gi-ant pro-cla-mat-ions Are a-ll ve-ry we-ll But our lo-ve Is lou-der than wo-rds When I'm with you I am calm A-a pearl in your oy-st-er Head on my chest a sil-ent smile A pri-vate kind of happ-i-ne-ss I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I'll love you in the mor-n-ing I'll love you in the mor-n-ing


Really hard to get this, took a lot of listens and I watched the video on YouTube from 4music to help see the parts of the two drummers, but it still may be wrong. Kele seems to have pitch shifted his guitar to bass for all of this song. Live, I think he changes to normal pitch for the first part of Verse Two (see Track 7), and then back to bass for the second part (Track 1).